View to planina Govnjač and Spodnje bohinjske gore Govnjaški Kuk
A view over planina Govnjač (Govnjač pasture, Alm) to Lower Bohinj mountains. The peaks from left to right are Govnjaški Kuk, Podrta gora, Zeleni vrh and Tolminski Kuk, the highest peak of Lower Bohinj mountains. It\\\\\\\'s a southern part of Komna high mountain plateau. In the second world war planina Govnjač was a place of austro-hungarian military camp for recocery of first line troups. At the lower left corner of the photo can be seen the remnants of old officer baracks. Planina Govnjač is laso one of the coldest places in Slovenia with temperatures reaching -40 degrees Celsius.
Matija Janezic
4784 x 2966
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panorama, julische alpen, mountains, summer, hills, cold, slovenia, triglav, julian alps, slowenien, alm, bergkiefer, latschenkiefer, pasture, bohinj, planina, ww1, komna, alpi giuliae, podrta gora, mali vrh, ruševje, dwarf pine, govnjač, tolminski kuk, zeleni vrh, govnjaški kuk, vrše, rob, military baracks, military installations, erstes weltkrieg, first world war, julijska alpe