Svete Višarje / Monte Santo di Lussari
Svete Višarje / Monte Santo di Lussari 600 years old slovenian/austrian/italian/friulian pilgrimage center in western Julian Alps, Italy. Behind it to the left are Mangart and Jalovec mountains and to the right is Cima del Cacciatore / Kamniti lovec mountain.
Matija Janezic
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Matija Janezic
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panorama, julische alpen, landscape, italy, mountain hut, dorf, italien, peak, village, slovenia, sport, julian alps, slowenien, chalet, chapel, kreuz, cross, church, slovenija, religious, top, crucifix, italia, julijske alpe, mangart, jalovec, alpi giuliae, mangrt, monte lussari, svete višarje, bella vista, berg dorf, western julian alps, mangartsko sedlo, mangartsko sedlo mangrt, julijsche alpen, croce, sacred symbol, treking, cima del cacciatore, cima di caciatore, kamniti lovec, mangartsko sedlomangrt, monte lusari, monte santo di lussari, mt. lusari, mt. lussari

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